Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Coq typeclass resolution is Turing-complete
Background on typeclasses
- PRight (>) moves the tape right
- PLeft (<) moves the tape left
- PFlip (*) flips the current cell
- PLoop ([…]) repeats while the current cell is 1
- PEnd is a no-op used at the end of a loop or program
Inductive prog : Type :=
| PRight (next : prog)
| PLeft (next : prog)
| PFlip (next : prog)
| PLoop (body next : prog)
| PEnd.
tape is an infinite tape, where cell is the current cell and ltape and
rtape are the cells to the left and right, respectively.
Record tape : Type := Tape {
cell : bool;
ltape : list bool;
rtape : list bool;
Let's define a shorthand for booleans.
Local Notation "0" := false.
Local Notation "1" := true.
Big-step semantics
Class Exec (p : prog) (t t' : tape) : Type := {
exec := t';
I then define instances of Exec for each operation in big-step semantics
style. These define the transformations to be performed in each case, and
can be seen as a pattern matching at the instance level.
PEnd is the simplest to model; it takes a tape t and maps it to
itself (does nothing). Syntactically, this defines an instance named
Exec_End, that satisfies Exec for the program PEnd and some tape t
for both the initial and final tape.
#[export] Instance Exec_End t :
Exec PEnd t t := {}.
PFlip negates the current cell.
Intuitively, this definition states that if the remainder of the program can
be executed, then we can also execute PFlip. That is, if it can resolve an
instance for the program starting after applying the flip, then it will
supply an instance for the flip. This order is backwards, because it applies
the operations post-order in a depth-first search.
The parameter `{Exec p t t'} is a class constraint, which implicitly
supplies evidence that p t t' has an instance of Exec. It is equivalent
to {E : Exec p t t'}, but where the name is not used.
#[export] Instance Exec_Flip p c lt rt t'
`{Exec p (Tape (negb c) lt rt) t'} :
Exec (PFlip p) (Tape c lt rt) t' := {}.
PRight has two cases: When the tape has at least one cell to the left,
shift that cell to the current and the old current to the right. When the
left tape is empty, use 0 as the new current cell.
Here, we destructure Tape, so we can cover the cases of [] and
_ :: _.
#[export] Instance Exec_Right_cons p c lt rc rt t'
`{Exec p (Tape rc (c :: lt) rt) t'} :
Exec (PRight p) (Tape c lt (rc :: rt)) t' := {}.
#[export] Instance Exec_Right_nil p c lt t'
`{Exec p (Tape 0 (c :: lt) []) t'} :
Exec (PRight p) (Tape c lt []) t' := {}.
Likewise for PLeft.
#[export] Instance Exec_Left_cons p c lc lt rt t'
`{Exec p (Tape lc lt (c :: rt)) t'} :
Exec (PLeft p) (Tape c (lc :: lt) rt) t' := {}.
#[export] Instance Exec_Left_nil p c rt t'
`{Exec p (Tape 0 [] (c :: rt)) t'} :
Exec (PLeft p) (Tape c [] rt) t' := {}.
Finally, PLoop has two cases: When the current cell is 0, skip the body
and execute the next operation. When the current cell is 1, execute the
body, then repeat the loop.
Exec_Loop_1 requires two instances, for executing the body once and for
executing the loop again.
#[export] Instance Exec_Loop_0 b p lt rt t'
`{Exec p (Tape 0 lt rt) t'} :
Exec (PLoop b p) (Tape 0 lt rt) t' := {}.
#[export] Instance Exec_Loop_1 b p lt rt t' t''
`{Exec b (Tape 1 lt rt) t'}
`{Exec (PLoop b p) t' t''} :
Exec (PLoop b p) (Tape 1 lt rt) t'' := {}.
For comparison, this closely resembles a typical relational definition in
Coq, where Exec becomes the type signature and each instance becomes a
variant. However, a relation cannot solve for the final tape, like the next
section shows with typeclasses.
Inductive exec_rel : prog → tape → tape → Prop :=
| ExecRel_Right_cons p c lt rc rt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape rc (c :: lt) rt) t' →
exec_rel (PRight p) (Tape c lt (rc :: rt)) t'
| ExecRel_Right_nil p c lt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape 0 (c :: lt) []) t' →
exec_rel (PRight p) (Tape c lt []) t'
| ExecRel_Left_cons p c lc lt rt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape lc lt (c :: rt)) t' →
exec_rel (PLeft p) (Tape c (lc :: lt) rt) t'
| ExecRel_Left_nil p c rt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape 0 [] (c :: rt)) t' →
exec_rel (PLeft p) (Tape c [] rt) t'
| ExecRel_Flip p c lt rt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape (negb c) lt rt) t' →
exec_rel (PFlip p) (Tape c lt rt) t'
| ExecRel_Loop_0 b p lt rt t' :
exec_rel p (Tape 0 lt rt) t' →
exec_rel (PLoop b p) (Tape 0 lt rt) t'
| ExecRel_Loop_1 b p lt rt t' t'' :
exec_rel b (Tape 1 lt rt) t' →
exec_rel (PLoop b p) t' t'' →
exec_rel (PLoop b p) (Tape 1 lt rt) t''
| ExecRel_End t :
exec_rel PEnd t t.
Set Typeclasses Debug.
As expected, this typechecks, because > shifts the tape 1(1)01 right to
Definition exec_right_verify
`{E : Exec (PRight PEnd) (Tape 1 [1] [0; 1])
(Tape 0 [1; 1] [1])} := E.
Check exec_right_verify.
However, give it an impossible result and it cannot find an instance:
Definition exec_right_bad
`{E : Exec (PRight PEnd) (Tape 1 [1] [0; 1])
(Tape 0 [] [])} := E.
Check exec_right_bad.
More usefully, we can generalize it to any tape t and let it infer the
final tape after execution:
Definition exec_right t
`{E : Exec (PRight PEnd) t} := E.
Check exec_right (Tape 1 [1] [0; 1]).
We can execute loops too, like >*>*[*<]:
Definition exec_rr_back t
`{E : Exec (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip
(PLoop (PFlip (PLeft PEnd)) PEnd))))) t} := E.
Check exec_rr_back (Tape 0 [] [1]).
Non-terminating programs like [] and >*[>*] work too. For the latter, it
cannot resolve an instance for any initial tape.
Each iteration of the loop generates for a fresh intermediate value for the
tape, which ensures a revisited state will not resolve to the same
instance. When no instance can ever satisfy it, which happens for
non-terminating programs, the typechecker will infinitely expand the
constraints and diverge.
Definition exec_loop_nonterm
`{E : Exec (PLoop PEnd PEnd) (Tape 1 [] [])} := E.
Fail Timeout 1 Check exec_loop_nonterm.
Definition exec_loop_r_nonterm
`{E : Exec (PRight (PFlip (PLoop (PRight (PFlip PEnd)) PEnd)))} := E.
Fail Timeout 1 Check exec_loop_r_nonterm.
And finally, a program that writes “Hallo, Welt!” in binary to the tape,
Definition exec_hworld
`{E : Exec (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight
(PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight
(PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight
(PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip
(PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip
(PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip
(PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight
(PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight
(PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PFlip
(PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight
(PRight (PRight (PFlip (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight (PRight
(PFlip (PRight PEnd)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (Tape 0 [] [])} := E.
Check exec_hworld.
Compute rev exec_hworld.(exec).(ltape).
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